Affordable Pest Control Lewes

“Get A Safer Home With Reliable Pest Control Services”

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Your search for a reliable company offering pest control services at affordable prices ends here. Betapest is one of the leading companies comprising of highly trained technicians and offering customised pest control solutions according to your requirements. Whatever the size of your property, we have the ideal solution for you. We are fully vetted and accredited so each and every customer approaching Betapest can have complete peace of mind.

We are centrally located which makes it easier for us to offer pest control Lewes. Whether you need a single treatment session or have a long-term service plan, we are simply the name to trust. We have a track record of providing uninterrupted and fast pest removal in Lewes for both residential and commercial customers. Professional and quality services are what set us apart. Whether prevention or cure, approach us today for a free site survey.

Reasons To Choose Betapest

Flying Insects

Flies, Bluebottles, Cluster Flies, Greater House, Flies, Mosquitos, Wasps, Bees, Solitary Bees, Honey Bees, Black Garden Ants

Bird Proofing

Pigeons/Seagulls, Netting, Anti-Roosting Spikes, Posts and Wire System


Beatles , Fleas, Bedbugs, Cockroaches, American cockroaches, Black Garden Ants


Fleas, Bedbugs, Cockroaches, American cockroaches, Black Garden Ants


Woodworm specialists, treatment and surveys.


Rats, Black Rat, Brown Rat, Mice, Squirrels


Rats, Black Rat, Brown Rat, Mice, Squirrels


Flies, Bluebottles, Cluster Flies, Greater House, Flies, Mosquitos, Wasps, Bees, Solitary Bees, Honey Bees, Black Garden Ants


Fleas, Bedbugs, Cockroaches, American cockroaches, Black Garden Ants

Pest Control Lewes

Brown Rat

The brown rat, or Norway rat, is one of the best known and most common rats. It is primarily nocturnal, although some individuals can be spotted during the day in highly populated areas. Their diet is extremely broad, and they will almost anything that is edible, with a food preference for grain.


Wasps are probably the most familiar and least liked of all British insects and are regarded by many as pest which stings indiscriminately. In fact they do not normally sting unless they are attacked or frightened. The queen wasp is the largest at about 0.8in in length


Fleas are small wingless insects that live off of the blood of a variety of mammals and birds. A flea bite often causes an itching sensation, which in turn may result in the host attempting to remove the pest by biting, pecking, scratching etc. Adult fleas are small, usually around 2-3mm long. They are red-brown in colour. Fleas feed on the blood of the species to which they are adapted but cat, dog and bird fleas


Feral pigeons (Columba livia), also called city doves, city pigeons, or street pigeons, are derived from domestic pigeons that have returned to the wild. The domestic pigeon was originally bred from the wild Rock Dove, which naturally inhabits sea-cliffs and mountains. Rock (i.e. ‘wild’), domestic and feral pigeons are all the same species and will readily interbreed